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PP201 Booster

The PP201 is a 4-quadrant power potentiostat designed to apply and sink high currents up to ±20 A at a voltage range of ±10V. The total power dissipation of the PP201 is 200W.


The PP201 operates either as a standalone device under PC control for DC-only measurements, or in combination with a Zennium electrochemical workstation for both DC measurements and AC impedance measurements.


Customers not interested in operating the PP201 as a standalone device can instead connect it to a Zennium workstation. All PP-Series potentiostats are controlled by an EPC42 which is a plug-in module for the Zennium workstations. Each EPC42 can control up to four PP-Series potentiostats. Up to four EPC42 cards can control up to 16 PP-Series potentiostats with one Zennium. The PP-Series is completely integrated into the Zennium operating environment. Thus, all acquisition and analysis techniques that run on the Zennium can be applied with the PP-Series as well.


Supported methods with coupled Zennium workstation:

  • Impedance spectroscopy
  • Simulation & model fitting
  • Cyclic voltammetry
  • Polarization curves
  • Multicell multitasking voltammetry
  • Arbitrary current/potential/time measurement
  • Capacity/potential measurements
  • Automatic series measurements


Supported methods with PC only:

  • U vs. time, I vs. time
  • Current Potential Curves (U/I)
  • Cyclic Voltammetry, CV at OCP
  • Charging/Discharging, Battery Cycling

PP201 Booster

  • Operating modes


    Potential range

    ±10 V

    Potential accuracy

    ±0.1% / ±1 mV

    Current range

    0 A … ±20 A

    Current accuracy

    ±0.25 % / ±1 mA

    Output power

    200 W

    Frequency range

    10µHz - 200kHz

    Impedance range

    1µ Ω - 1 kΩ

    Ambient temperature

    0C … 30C


    364 x 160 x 376 mm



    System requirements

    Zennium + EPC42 or PC

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