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ISE Conference Recap: What an Amazing Week!

ISE Conference in Providence, Rhode Island

Greetings! This month's newsletter recaps the 68th Annual ISE Meeting held in beautiful and historic Providence, RI last week. Dr. Sebastian Feihl from Zahner and I met customers, gave a technical presentation, and attended other technical presentations among other activities. Pavel Zhurauski from our UK distributor Zimmer & Peacock was also there to display their screen printed electrodes at our booth.

Providence, RI was an excellent choice by the ISE organizing committee to convene a large conference during this time of year. Everyone seemed to be in good spirits and ready to catch up with familiar faces, meet new people, exchange valuable knowledge, and discuss future collaboration. Our booth was well-suited to help facilitate these sorts of discussions!

Mark and Sebastian speaking with conference attendees at our booth

During the week, we spoke with members of over 70 research groups spanning 28 different countries. These conversations covered a wide variety of topics ranging from configuring very unique experiments to handing out promotional items to long-time Zahner fans. We also had several prescheduled demonstrations at our booth for customers with in-depth questions. We are always happy to schedule such 1-on-1 meetings at any conference, so please feel free to ask us to schedule one for you.

Sebastian presenting about EIS and drift correction

Unlike most other exhibitors, we sometimes join in on the fun of submitting an abstract to give technical presentations and posters. This enables current and prospective customers an opportunity to gain deeper insight about electrochemistry instrumentation and to consider how concepts presented may aid them in their research. This time, Dr. Sebastian Feihl presented about multisine EIS and drift correction for low-frequency EIS measurements. Mark Sholin will be giving a similar talk at the Fall 2017 ECS Conference, so if you'd like to learn more please attend his talk on October 4th.

Boating around Newport Harbor with other electrochemists

Although the ISE conference presented a near constant stream of activity, there were opportunities to get to know other attendees in a more relaxed setting. Wednesday was a half-day, as the afternoon was devoted to tour expeditions around the area. Mark took this opportunity to go on a boat tour of nearby Newport, RI along with a few dozen other ISE attendees. Sailing around Newport Harbor was a refreshing change from the dry desert environment of the Admiral Instruments headquarters in Phoenix, AZ!

ISE Closing Banquet

The closing banquet on Thursday evening was wonderful and a stylish way to signal the end of the conference, even though Sebastian still had to give his presentation the following morning. We were fortunate to capture this nice picture of our team and a couple new friends made at the banquet. To conclude this recap, below are a few more pictures around our booth for your enjoyment! Our team hopes to see you at an upcoming conference. To see where we're scheduled to travel, simply visit our home page and scroll towards the bottom to see our exhibition schedule.

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